Brian Finale
Co-Founder Of MLSP
Austin TX
Mark Harbert
Creator of “The No Fear Video Marketing System”
Tampa FL
Ryan McMorris
Award Winning Marketer & Home Business Owner
Greenville SC
The Social Testimonial Profits course has been, by far, the very best course that I have ever purchased over the last year (and possibly ever)! And to think that I almost didn’t register for this because I’ve been focused on other things in my business. I am SO glad that I got this course! The section on FB ads was worth 10 times the investment of the course alone. Thank you Justice, for such an extremely valuable course!!
Hands down this is the best course when it comes to FB ads, and no, it is not the first one I purchased… not only the amount of value and information it is great but the fact that you are challenging my stinking thinking not only when it comes to advertising, but other areas as well. Thank you Justice!
I’ll Reveal Exactly How You Can Immediately Get Your P.R.O.F.I.T.S Post Directly
in Front of Your Best Prospects for
So you can rake in leads and sales immediately!
Pedro Neves
Full Time Nurse & Network Marketer
Fall River MA
Billy Inelus
Full Time Home Business Onwer
Toronto Ontario
Vitaliy Dubinin
6 Figure Online Marketers & Networker
Tel Aviv Israel
Adam Chandler
6 Figure Earner & 8 Year Home Business Professional
Denver CO
Antonio Thompson
Coach & Home Business Owner
Brooklyn NY
Arik Freeman
Home Business Entrepreneur
I had paused my story ad for 24 hours to edit it, but had a full day yesterday and wasn’t able to get to it. Before bed I decided to run it again to see if maybe I could pick up a lead or two today. I woke up to 5 people requesting more information and 5 new page likes. What a pleasant surprise! Imperfect action wins again!
Almost everyone gets this all wrong, so I decided to take the guess work out of it for you and make it easy to nail down your perfect prospects so you can stop wondering who they are and effortlessly start speaking directly to their pains and desires. Use this worksheet before you write your testimonial and you’ll know EXACTLY what to say to get more people reaching out to you to buy or join!
If my high paying clients knew I was giving this to you so willy nilly they’d freak…because YOU are getting my most successful and profitable story ads EVER. These 3 stories alone have made me 10’s of thousands of dollars in just the last few months and you’re going to have access to these proven winners…word for word, before you ever write your first story!
Why try and remember all the moving parts of a successful story ad campaign YOU should focus on closing the prospects that come your way, and cashing your checks. So this cheat sheet will save you LOADS of time and help you avoid the biggest mistakes that cause so many people to fail miserably with ads.
Put your testimonial story on steroids, by taking out everyday boring language and replacing it with the most powerful, impactful and psychologically effective words in the entire English language. You can use these words to pack a punch in every sentence of your story, stand out from all the internet noise and grab the attention of your perfect prospect. Even if you stink at writing!
Get a list of Fool Proof fill in the blank copywriting gold so you can make powerful impactful statements about your product, service or opportunity and practically guarantee your prospects take immediate action. (This is like cheating, only it’s cool because I wrote them and I’m giving them to you) You’ll be able to take the details right from the Ultimate Avatar Worksheet and plug them into these statements so your stories start making you more sales fast!
There’s no better way to learn this strategy (or any other) than to see the breakdown of actual story ads that have been created, reviewed, and tweaked until they became winners.
These are 10 Videos full of hot-seat sessions where I go through student’s stories, break them down line-by-line, and explain exactly how to make each section shine and get the best possible results. ALL through the experience and knowledge from obsessively testing and perfecting my own ads for 12 Months straight!
As an online marketer, there is no skill more vital to your success than to learn to persuade people with your words. That is exactly what copywriting is, and the better YOU are at it…the more money you make. Plain and simple!
This is a full-fledge standalone course that will let you quickly become a skilled persuader with every word you write online from here on out.
Find out how to suck people into your messages, tricks to keep them reading every word, trigger words and phrases to create desire in what you have to offer, and power techniques that will get them to take ACTION! (A.K.A. Pull out their credit cards and send you money!)
Facebook Live is the hottest new power-tool for getting highly engaged and pinpoint-targeted leads and sales for your business.
You’ll get special VIP access to this Exclusive LIVE Training that will put your Social Testimonial Profits strategy on steroids. FB LIVE is still in it’s infant stages, and once you master it from from this training… you’ll become light-years ahead of your competition.
I’ll show you tips and tricks that will take make YOUR FB Live broadcasts stand out from the crowd and let you build and pre-sell custom audiences of prospects fully engaged and enthralled!
Top-earner Mark Harbert is the go-to expert in the industry when it comes to video marketing. He used this marketing strategy to go from $0 to $5-Figures per month in 90 days for himself…and has gotten over 60K leads with video marketing.
This BONUS is Mark’s Proven Marketing Strategy That Combines The INSTANT Rapport of Video Marketing (With The Reach & Laser Targeting of Facebook) To Pull In All The Leads YOU Can Handle For YOUR Home Business.
This is a perfect addition to your Social Testimonial Profits strategy! Mark will guide you step-by-step through his video creation process so that you can create videos that tap directly into your prospects most burning wants and desires…with MASSIVE response!
John Melton is a $6-Figure Earner and Social Media phenom who’s built a global network marketing team of over 7000! He built this organization with an original 300 people he brought in just from social media alone!
This is a powerful bonus training where John will show you exactly how to easily and effectively reach out to people on Facebook, get a high response rate, and turn them into new sign-ups!
During this interview John reveals: How to effectively make initial contact – How to move the conversation to the phone – How to keep the conversation going – When he presents a link to his offers – And very importantly…where he sees other people getting all of this wrong.
All with FB Messenger! This is 1st hand knowledge from a guy who’s built his entire $6-Figure business with this exact strategy!
Comments on your Story Ads are golden opportunities to take a prospect from Facebook stranger to Loyal Customer
In BONUS interview… you’ll get his PROVEN STRATEGY to get prospects who comment on your ads to actually read your personal FB message, respond to your message, and steer them to a point where they realize that YOU are the one they’ve been looking for to solve their problems.
He’ll show you how to… Steer the conversation in the right direction, build LIKE and TRUST, counter objections, get them to a capture page right away…
And even set up IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENTS to present your network marketing opportunity by phone or face-to-face!
If you’ve ever bought a marketing course and immediately felt alone and afraid after your purchase…with nobody there to guide you through the sticking points… this is your guarantee that it won’t happen with ‘Social Testimonial Profits’.
This is a Private FB Group dedicated ONLY to those who are on the same journey as you are. It’s your chance to get your questions answered right away by ME (yes I’m actually in there quite a lot!), by your fellow students, or by students who are already having killer results with this strategy.
The Social Testimonial Profits Private FB Group is your safe zone to learn and be supported!
This BONUS gives you no-choice but to become much more effective at writing profitable story ads!
This Full 4 Module Course (Which Retails Online at $297) Will Teach You Everything You’ll Ever Need To Know To Create A Windfall Of Profit With The Most Powerful Online Sales Medium That Exists…WEBINARS!
They pay me the big bucks to get coaching, and the one thing they ALL want…
just like you I assume…is FAST RESULTS!
To Your Success,
P.S. The ‘Social Testimonial Profits’ strategy was set up so that anybody at ANY experience level can take it and run. Doesn’t matter if you’ve never written an ad, or used Facebook’s Paid Advertising platform in your life. It’s all laid out step by step…and you’ll frankly walk away knowing more about marketing effectively than 99% of the marketers online.
P.P.S. What will your business look like in 6 months from now? Will you still be STUCK right where you’re at today? Struggling to bring in a consistent flow of leads? Struggling to fill your downline? Struggling to get product sales? OR…
Will you have a consistent flow of leads coming in daily? Will your downline be FULL of go-getters earning YOU residual income? Will product sales be through the roof? (With the least bit of time and effort on marketing and content creation that you’ve ever experienced?)
It’s up to the decision you make TODAY! Grab “Social Testimonial Profits” Now!
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